Interdisciplinarity in the Study of the Dynamics of Science, Technology and Innovation

La Universitat Politècnica de València acogerá los próximos días 7 y 8 de abril a un total de 32 jóvenes investigadores de todo el mundo en un foro donde los participantes presentarán sus propuestas de investigación bajo el lema “Interdisciplinariedad en los estudios de ciencia, tecnología e innovación”. Así mismo, se otorgará un premio a la mejor comunicación. También habrá actividades de networking para establecer contactos entre los participantes del evento y sesiones orientadas a introducir a los jóvenes participantes en la profesión de investigador.

Many of the problems that science and society are currently facing are inherently complex, thus demanding answers and solutions resulting from original combinations of different fields of knowledge. As a consequence, Science, Technology and Innovation studies are increasingly constituted by a diversity of research streams and perspectives from neighbouring disciplines.

The Eu-SPRI Forum ECC: “Interdisciplinarity in the Study of the Dynamics of Science, Technology and Innovation” is a two-day event for PhD students and young scholars interested in the broad field of Science, Technology and Innovation. The conference will stretch over two days of presentations and intense debates with junior and senior scholars. Participants will have the opportunity to present their research and receive feedback from young and experienced scholars in the field. Topics:

– Geography and Innovation
– Creation, Transfer and Use of Knowledge
– Science and Society. New challenges
– Social networks, Social Capital and Innovation
– Science and Technology Policies. Evaluation and Governance
– Management of Innovation in Organizations

Información del evento

Fecha: 07/04/2014