Pi2011 – International Conference on Benchmarking and Performance Assessment of Water Services
The Benchmarking and Performance Assessment of Urban Water Networks conference is focused on providing a forum for the discussion about advances in and practical experiences with performance indicators and benchmarking. The conference intends to be a valuable experience for those wanting to initiate themselves in the topic and should help to enhance their PI11 experience. For those familiar with benchmarking, it will represent an opportunity review the basics and discover firsthand the progress made by the IWA Task Group on Benchmarking.
The Program committee welcomes proposals for platform presentation which fit within one of the topics shown below.
- Benchmarking and performance assessment projects
- Definition and establishment of performance assessment systems
- Decision support tools based on performance indicators
- Benchmarking as a regulatory tool
- Benchmarking as a tool for financial agencies
- Experiences in low and medium income countries
- Environmental footprint. Assessing water / energy interaction
- Managing service contracts with performance indicators
- Standardization and performance indicators – ISO 24500
- Performance measures to support infrastructure asset managemen
The Sessions – Paraninfo
Pi11 Sessions will be held at the Paraninfo of the Universidad Politécnica de Valencia. This is the main auditorium in the University and is equipped with all the necessary AV equipment. The posters presented to Pi11 will be displayed at the entrance of the Paraninfo. Conference registration, as well as the coffee breaks will also take place at the entrance of the Paraninfo
Paraninfo is located in building 3A in the University (you will find location maps all around the campus). You can locate the Paraninfo in the interactive map of the UPV (section 2-3, or search for «Paraninfo»)
Pi 2011 Secretariat
ITA – Universidad Politécnica de Valencia
Camino de Vera s/n – Edificio 5C
46022 Valencia (Spain)
Tel: (+34) 96 387 98 98
Fax: (+34) 96 387 98 99
e-mail: secretariat @ pi2011.com
Información del evento
Fecha: 14/03/2011