How is UPV participation processed in an association, foundation or consortium?
In those cases where the UPV is required to register as part of a legal entity, the process, which requires approval by the Social Council, shall take the following steps:
- The TRS concerned shall submit an Expression of Interest in the Vice Chancellor for Research, Innovation and Transfer.
- The Director of Coordination and Support for R&D+i shall disseminate the initiative to other UPV researchers, establishing a deadline to submit any Expression of Interest.
- The Director of Coordination and Support for R&D+i shall invite interested parties to prepare a joint petition, which must
- Indicate that the costs of participation in the partnership shall be borne by the interested parties and the management procedure to satisfy them.
- Indicate who within the interested party is to be appointed as representative of the UPV in the statutory participation structures (assemblies, committees, etc.)
- Indicate a minimum participation time of 2 years in the partnership.
- The Director of Coordination and Support for R&D+i shall forward the Statutes of the Partnership to the Regulation and Inspection Service for their legal adequacy report to the legality of the possibility of accession. Subsequently, the joint petition shall be submitted for approval by the Research Committee and, if the participation is in a legal entity, to the Governing Council and the Social Council.
- Once the UPV’s participation and the appointment of its representative in the Entity is approved, the Director of Coordination and Support for R&D+i shall prepare and submit the formal request for participation and publish on the UPV’s website said partnership.
- In the case of a Partnership in the Horizon 2020 area, the CPI2020 unit will provide Technical Secretariat support to the Interest Group and shall organize a distribution list and a shared repository
In the case that the UPV is already participating in a partnership and a TRS wishes to join an Interest Group, such person must submit the corresponding Expression of Interest to the UPV, indicating his accession to the Interest Group.
Check the entities in which the UPV participates
National or regional associations
Partnerships in the field of Horizon 2020